heroin will wreck your life less than kids
You trump everything with the J man
Programmers reading this will be forgiven for cringing a bit at the smell of self-modifying code, but my advice is to just close your eyes and think of England.
i hate my macbook.
i actually haven't upgraded to leopard.
these men died for thier country, send flowers to thier bitches and hoes.
when photocopying your butt: use 18 bond paper. anything stiffer tends to jam in a fax machine.
In Soviet Russia, the government controls the commerce.
spgarbet$ cal 9 1752
You're supposed to swallow
There's no I in Threesome
If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.
I can build you a plan for PXE but I can't promise that it'll work
if you're not doing the needful, wtf are you doing at all?
i love it!
James is Pretty
Larkin is awesome
Is it fear that's keeping us from doing it?
spread out
sounds like you need to replace application support with something less sucky.
did you write your own resume?
aziz tastes like tang
the food delivery unit at my Domino's has a bad mustache
i h4t3 345z
If Microsoft designed bridges I'd stay the fuck home.
puppies are cute and delicious! (but a little stringy)
he's making a right on red. That's America's only contribution to civilization.
Bathrooms and toilet tissue are not a new concept. They've been around for a while.
You can now configure what driver you want to use for your graphic card, change the default resolution for all users or change your monitor's refresh rate without having to turn to the terminal.
cone of silence
not enough knowledge in the company
Suburbia is where the developer bulldozes out the trees, then names the streets after them.
good eats in HD, as it was meant to be seen
I can haz cheeseburger?
If you change the incentive for the government, you are disturbing the emergence of democracy.
it's not lying if you make money from it
Go ahead and dress my salad.
what you've never had a good moroccan brisket
breast rubs aren't *always* appropriate?!?
kevin barnes won't show up.
I do not think this is a fake video. This is exactly what the 80's were like.
I'd give my left kidney for some ring capacity in Newark!
Kathmandu! Bob Seger rocks!
FREE T-SHIRTS & 1 FREE BEER (with appropriate ID at the end of the run)
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Bearded Man Boy
well... fuck.
too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem more afraid of life than death.
eh, It's just typing stuff
Computers are about murdering you in a lake
Birth control could lead to many thousands of dollars lost every year.
When [Windows 2000] gets here, goodbye Linux.
The way to solve this [application] deployment problem is through rearchitecture of the environment
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fuck fuck fuck