fuck I say.
Science is facts
gentle my arse
I love jesus like james white loves hookers and blow
is the sushi chef japanese or mexican?
I are gud speller
I am retarted
heath seals: a man ahead of his time.
oh. lovely
the only key a hobo needs is the power button
Man, light is so fast
well, fuck
VLANS are based on subnets
450 VLANs is a bit much
unfortunately, I suck
She Proceeded with her appointment.
goddamn i hate ibm.
vegetables are delicious
I love conferences!
thanks for the info.
An untested plan is just a piece of paper.
it's not that I don't mind meat in my mouth, I just don't like to chew it
Every problem in computer science can be solved by adding one more layer of indirection
it had a lot of ham, egg, and cheese. so don't tell lara.
By-hand testing has its advantages, but automated testing means it gets done.
oracle no support cpio or tar, only cp
if you're running oracle in a virtual machine, your IT career is over.
Don't litter, it's Un-American
I am a English Teacher
heath and rob are all over my mom today
Oh god! Oh God!
Dear god.
It has always been the prerogative of children and half- wits to point out the emperor has no clothes. But the half- wit remains a half- wit, and the emperor remains an emperor.
you guys really shouldn't be talking about heathberries here
i haven't commited to putting pants on today
php is freaking retarded easy
we both wear special underwear, but for different reasons
We literally used tarballs and patches which is a much superior source control management system than CVS.
what time is the BNAgeek crap?
jesus tapdancing christ he's a tool
If you think good architecture is expensive, try bad architecture.
well, fuck.
Are the batch jobs automated?
The cock sauce made the soup
i want to be able to do things the vendor hasn't even fucking imagined yet
start chuggin'
I shouldn't have drove, that was a bad idea
can I get a wake up call? In 5 minutes?
you can't trust wikipedia, anyone can edit it
i kinda want a macbook now
Vote Ron Paul, Bitches!
I know how .htaccess works, why are you sending me emails about it?
drink time