I heard a guy from kings of leon is having a 'war with words' with someone from Glee. The only response I had to that news was that I wanted to punch the guy that made me aware of it.
The sport and the douchebag personality go together.
Is there anything I can do with my Twitter profile pic to support whichever side of this Egypt thing I'm supposed to support? The Pharaoh?
the good die young but pricks live forever.
If youre drunk when the package shows up you will not be allowed to receive it.
The guy in front of me in class has a vmware customer they call 'ring 0'
Israel's a bunch of Jews
The only way you can hurt the body is not use it inactivity is the killer and remember it's never too late.
now i'm not saying he's a dick but brett favre just texted me his picture
Lesson of the day: Don't lie on your resume. If you must lie ensure you don't do so and then apply to a company which employs the person who held your job prior to you and still speaks regularly to those who worked with you.
i like the sauce a lot
[an] airport -- which is fundamentally believed and understood by many to be one of the most secure types of installations in a city or in a country
The United States of America is in reality a one-party corporatist state whose very existence is more than ever perpetuated by a conscious deliberate denial of reality even in the face of the obvious.
triple nerd score
gordon biersch is to craft brewing what mcdonalds is to fine dining
I understand your consternation over the information you probably received from the two blog postings linked to below. Let me assure you that as is often the case with the internet they are relatively devoid of facts and context.
take two deadguys and call me in the morning
put it in 4 wheel drive
fwiw we are seeing some actual flake action here at cs
kevin: stfu
there's a front moving in. i suspect we'll get cold rain.
Most interesting of all the contain-harass-expand strategy that beat Oriol and Krasi0 was a completely emergent behavior.
and loses...
when you end up at the strip club everybody wins
elastic wangstock
fuck cool springs
well ldap *could* be the problem
you put cows in one end and hamburger comes out the other
Wikileaks is currently mirrored on 1426 up-to-date sites updated 2010-12-21 20:29 GMT
whatever it is i think we need to put it in the cloud
City of Tampa has suspended an officer for using a police helicopter to run errands.
The 'jameson' 25 year is delicious
The B in Benoit B. Mandelbrot stands for Benoit B. Mandelbrot.
Require me to wear a tie? HOW BOUT NOW BITCHES!?
Web server comes with Oracle Unbreakable Linux
We're actually still talking about a DoS. Who doesn't understand how a DoS works???
in the next 20 years a moderate portfolio will out-perform a conservative one
BL Trading was also charged with sale and receipt of stolen property wire fraud and the installing and selling products with EMC firmware that didn't have the necessary support contracts
yeah but with the emc discount it's only 300k worth of gear
There's a lot of software that's wonderful.
there should be 16 jiggabytes on the cryptoloop
What is everyone who's not on IRC a muggle or something?
Don't come back with the herpes
They don't have the same morals we do in the Phillipines
Argentina's Dancing with the Stars Is Pretty Much Straight Up Porn