he looks like a nice boy
Italy is 14 years, with a close-in-age exception that allows those aged 13 to engage in sexual activity with partners who are less than 3 years older
What kind of fuckery is this?
I know this feeling Congress. Im a giant procrastinator too. So my advice is to lock yourselves in a room without a television in it and get your work done! Its crunch time! Doing your homework on the bus before school on the day its due never produces go
Right now I think all CM utilities still suck sweaty nuts. But we use puppet.
bitches love water
..in retrospect that was fucking stupid.
at the very least, go ahead and chase the money in the short term
Science seems like an awful lot of work just to avoid reading your Bible.
im on the terraza
Breakfast Lunch Dinner Truck Menu
Clemence Zimmerman
Netswipe turns your webcam into a credit card reader, brings POS payments to the desktop -- Engadget
plunge six to ten times to double the milk volume
if you look at a config management repo and say 'hey. that looks great'. you probably don't know what you're looking at.
Phidippides died here.
Because Republicans would buy a flavor of ice cream if it were called Dog Shit & Reagan.
Apple should consider pouring every cent it has into the acquisition of Facebook
balls are male boobs
In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing the next best thing is the wrong thing and the worst thing you can do is nothing.
Reddit here's a bigoted Poll in some Tennessee newspaper...you know what to do
Double Fat Tire? Two wrongs don't make a right
Why do so many Tennessean readers hate the Constitution?
this is one schleck sandwich that will give them indigestion
the three largest cities in Canada are Toronto Montreal and Buffalo.
Someone's editorializing
it's a fucking yurt motherfucker
shut up legs.
ok. meeting
If you've lost your mind it takes an average of 17 years to realize it.
I takes an average of 40 minutes to realize you've lost your wallet. If you've lost your phone it takes an average of 5 minutes to realize it.
or kick them in the shins.
Only wimps use tape backup: real men just upload their important stuff on ftp and let the rest of the world mirror it
Daredevil film a 2003 film starring Ben Affleck as the Marvel character
E-MAIL THE AUTHOR oray612959@earthlink.net
james is my bitch
Have you set the day aside when you're finally gonna look at her face?
what do you call it when something is awful. mt juliet.
Wow. That's like licking a christmas tree.
sweet jesus I thought I was going to make it through one day without running into more cfengine3 bugs
just reboot it
it may be time to upgrade to a mac mine just worked
Truth be told I had no problems with 2.2.3 ran it for years. Ever since I got into 3.x I have yet to stabilize on any particular release.
Please read the messages carefully before loudly complaining on the forum or try buying support if you need help. These messages demanding instant free help are unbecoming from such a wealthy organization.
These potatoes make me feel sad about every other potato I've ever eaten.
it's only a matter of time before someone tries to have sex with it
i only play dungeon campaigns because they're so underground
If you can imagine storing your data in a large electronic Rolodex you can store it easily n an LDAP directory.
The tools in place in this room are centered around producing productivity gains for the job the developers were hired to do namely modify and extend legacy code.
fuck perl
ruby sucks.
cash can fill the hole where you soul should be
You cannot and should not be doing this yourself. You need an enterprise team. These guys are hardcore specialists and expensive.
If your app is touching the server and you own that server you are now running an enterprise backend. Yes you are. I don't care how lightweight or simple your use cases are. If customers are touching a server it's enterprise. You cannot and should not be
It's on the corner of get a map and fuck off. Y'all are big boys look it up yourself.
that text must have gotten caught up in the ethernet getting relayed
my other german cars are all porsches
every once in a while I do something good
damn you logan spencer
Preview Gmails new look
you know my iPad goes off every time you say 'lara' in irc right? I *know* you're talking about me.
I'm tricky I'm dark-skinned.
I was excited about Ruby in 2004" lil
I've killed better men than you. Pay Peach her goddamn dues.
logan is not going to europe but instead is doing time in the county lock-up for an unspecified crime
tape it in!
the world ends at harding place
i don't like the word alcoholic... i like to call it an opportunist. when i get the opportunity i drink!
fuck safety
i use it at work. but not for work.
sorry to hear that man dead guy's on me
hats off to the computer today. looks like it got it right.
i usually feel accomplished after an 18 miler. today i just felt stupid.
I'm not sad to see Ward go
The corn from this weeks CSA tastes like candy
I guess I took a nap in my car or something
drop trou prove it
A bruck-up