runlevel 3 is where I stop
Specifically, Kaines has said that they will focus on improving the data collection and analytics of Puppet, but they won't be starting a hosted model like Opscode currently has.
I don't know the exact dates [facter 1.7 will be released]
After 10 generations, the virus has mutated allowing it to spread through air.
they gotta keep paying teyo somehow
You know, it's only work if you'd rather be doing something else.
one more flag would just be too much.
Lokis gonna lok.
An engineer is someone who can do for 50 what any fool can do for 100.
Yo, I heard you liked government... so we pimped out your government *in* a government
logan's in jail, that's common knowledge
You know that's not a beer, right?
*fucking horrible*
because fuck sendmail
pointy, clicky, good, good
Competitive salary. Benefits include stock options, profit sharing, 401k matching and 2 different beer options.
phoque m'pouss
Police have been officially served by the National Lawyer's Guild, still refuses entry.
Facebook engineers rave about Phabricator, describing it with glowing terms like 'okay' and 'mandatory'
you can automate them if you apply enough electricity to the muscles
The client is in a need of someone who is a Sun systems expert on a project basis. They need to restore data from a Sun StoreEdge A1000 RAID array connected to a Sun Enterprise 4500 server. The array controller has marked 3 of the 7 drives as unusable an
When given the opportunity, male mice tend to direct their urine in the females direction
you'll stick your dick in a meat grinder if the meat grinder is made of vagina
Banned Your IP Address, has been reported for site violations. If you feel you have reached this page in error, please Contact Us and provide your IP Address.
they've gone full microsoft
*You'd* never know if I went into a murderous rage.
I need a mojito, a viagra, and a rhesus monkey.
her 9100 can't be reached
I think there's brainstorming going on in the small conference room
Using 6833 MB of your 7637 MB
turns out
don't misplace a Paamayim Nekudotayim
he's bad for a php dude.
f ldap
are you narrating my breakfast?
mmmm hhmmmm, eiags
oh yeah, fuckin' toast
yeah, yeah, you drink hooegarten
I've never chained squid servers before
had to re-install git gui
Oh fuck a fire!!!
Sorry, I am having trouble connecting to the network.
turns out hooker bodies are non-euclidean
I had high hopes for today But now I can't even remember what I was workin' on
Our taxi driver sounds exactly like Dick van Dyke in Mary Poppins...
losing several days of uncommitted code in the process
You're songs are so long. Have you ever found yourself being influenced by yourselves?