I don't want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub.
You'd figure after the first year they'd take that toddler's gun away
We're sorry you didn't get an iPad for Christmas. We've got IPA but you've got to get the D.
Experience writing complex shell scripts.
We are moving in this direction
I'm typing with my mouth
I bought a honeybun from the gas station, I'm not proud of that decision.
There are two Eagleton departments that Pawnee does not have. The Department of Infinity Pool Design and the Department of Dressage, which I am told is a fancy horse riding thing.
But regardless of whether it impacts an election, voting restrictions are wrong
In 4 years if I don't have a gold plated mansion, a swimming pool full of AR-15 shells, and strippers who mow my lawn while wearing sparklers on their boobs, this presidency will be a total failure.
I wasn't wearing a seatbelt, which is not advisable.
1,0I have an idea for a running event which is a relay that passes 13 breweries in Nashville.
On the road, he habitually had to say good night to Keon before he went to sleep. One night Keon locked his hotel room door, frustrating the routine. Horton crashed through the door, breaking it, said good night and went to sleep.
so I can murder you?
I found love in a topless place.
large anti-terror operation
I am thinking that a man who cannot speak clearly cannot think clearly. I am thinking that selfexpression is the companion to logic and that Harry E. Wexler is by this criterion circumcised from the neck up, even if he does hold my precious future in his
To remove or install the bearings, heat the plate to 250 deg. F. I put mine in the barbeque as Doris gave me 'a look' when I put the Renault cylinder head in the oven.
I fucking knew you guys weren't going to pay me shit
like gifs in the rain
Roy how can you be happy and drinking right now? / Easy, I'm drunk.
we need everybody to close a ticket every day even if the real work isn't done because our progress is a flat line
create a ticket for code review and do some code review every day
Report to VP of DevOps